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Brooklyn Bedding Latex Mattress

After 20 years of perfecting the craft, Brooklyn Bedding pitched what they believe is the #BestMattressEver. Therefore, following the digital trends, there is also a hashtag connected to the marketing of this mattress. However, is it really the best mattress ever?

No, it’s not! Let us be clear from the beginning. Simply said, no mattress can be #bestever for everybody. Nevertheless, Brooklyn Bedding Latex Mattress offers totally worthy features and quality. Let us see if it’s a right candidate to be among the best mattresses ever and is it the RIGHT mattress for you after all.

Features of Brooklyn Bedding Latex Mattress

Foam Layers

User satisfaction score
92 %

There are three layers of foam in this mattress which is 10-inch thick in total. It is important to say that the thickness in not the crucial feature with this mattress but the sole quality of the foam and the comfort is what counts.

The first layer, also called the top layer, is 2-inch thick Talalay latex foam. Talalay process of foam creation is well known around the world. It is made by stabilizing the liquid rubber, thus creating a comfortable foam layer. The result is a breathable mattress which offers great comfort and good sleep.

The second foam layer is also 2-inch thick, and it is a different type of latex foam called Dunlop latex. The difference between the two is that the second one lasts longer than the first one. However, it is less comfortable than Talalay latex foam. Furthermore, this type of latex is more organic because rubber is naturally extracted and stabilized.

The last layer is an HD polyfoam which stabilizes the mattress and makes sure that there will be no sagging or motion transfer.

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Quality of material and durability

User satisfaction score
88 %

The cover is basic cotton polyester which is quilted to the top layer of the mattress. It is soft and comfortable but not too elegant due to the “ordinary” look. However, this can be solved easily with making your own cover. Despite that, you’ll still feel like sleeping on a giant pillow and will have no trouble with allergies of any kind when touching this cover.

The top latex layer is tested and certified with the OEKO-TEX 2015 certification. It is vital for latex foams to have this certification because it guarantees that there are no harmful substances in them and that no chemicals used for the production of the foam will harm you in any way. Therefore, if you are afraid that the latex may contaminate you or your room, you will be satisfied with this purchase definitely.

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Brooklyn Bedding Latex Mattress Queen, Medium

Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Last update was on: 13.05.2024 09:13
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How it feels

User satisfaction score
92 %

This mattress is perfect for people who do not like either too soft or too hard mattresses. On an imaginary scale from 1 to 10, the firmness would be a 6. There are also a 4″ and an 8″ mattresses made by Brooklyn Bedding.

Edge support is great due to the last layer of foam located on the bottom of the mattress. It makes sure that your mattress lasts for ages. The upper layer is also responsible for minimization of motion transfer. This means that if you are sharing a bed with a partner and he/she moves a lot, this mattress will stay “calm” on your side.

The thing that really made the customers thrilled is how great the bounce is. If apart from sleeping, you plan to perform another kind of activity on the mattress, this product will be perfect for you. When you expand it, try to throw yourself on it and see how high you will bounce. Then, you can try all of that with your partner.

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Overall sleeping experience

User satisfaction score
9 %

If you never slept on a latex foam mattress before, do not worry, because you will not be disappointed, regardless of the sleeping position that you prefer. However, there is one sleeping position that is perfect for the mattress – side sleeping position. Because of the perfect amount of sinkage (1-2 inches) which also combines with a „hug“ of a sort from the mattress, side sleepers will feel the most rested once they get up in the morning.

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User satisfaction score
84 %
Last update was on: 13.05.2024 09:13

This mattress, if sold offline, via salespeople and in stores, would cost approximately $2000. Luckily for you, the mattress is sold online, and there are no people between you and the manufacturer. This is exactly the reason why the price range for this mattress is between $450 and $900. This fact puts it in the middle of the general mattress price range. It costs far less than certain competitors but more than the mattresses that are manufactured outside of the US.

Historical Price Chart of the product

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Review Highlights from verified customers

We have scanned 275 reviews and here are the highlights of the most important user satisfaction metrics.

  • 17.1% say that the pain is gone, while 3.1% say: it’s causing pain
  • 12% say “odor is minimal,” and nobody has any complaints about the smell.
  • 3.6% report poor edge support, sagging and cavity development
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What Do Other Mattress Geeks Think?

Average expert score
92 %
Brooklyn Bedding’s 4″ of latex offers wonderful bounce in a foam mattress. They combine hug, body contour, with great cooling, all while giving the sleeper three different firmness level options. The fact they own their own factories makes a big difference regarding the price, customization, and quality they can offer.
If you buy it now, you are guaranteed to have a mattress that is comfortable and gives the right support for the rest of your life
The support I thought was the standout part of the mattress, with my pressure points alleviated very well.  I tried sleeping on my side, back, and stomach, with all feeling better than the average mattress.
8.7 Total Score
Summary Review Score

This mattress is a great combination of comfort and durability. It is not the #BestMattressEver, but it is certainly close to the top. You will be satisfied with every little piece of it if you are a latex foam lover and you need not worry about any kind of poisonous off-gassing because it is certified to be completely environmental. It is made to fulfill the standards of every sleeper, but it is the best for side sleepers.

Quality of material / Durability
Sleep Experience
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Shipping and Warranty

The mattress is packed in a box of 19″ x 19″ x 45″ and shipped directly to your home for free if you live in the US. It usually takes about three to four days for the mattress to arrive. You will need to wait for a couple of days before the mattress decompresses to its full size and become 10-Inch thick.

The warranty for this product is ten years, and there is also a 120-days trial period with a 100% money back guarantee.

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Video Reviews

Brooklyn Bedding Mattress Review

Meet the completely redesigned Brooklyn Bedding mattress. Brooklyn Bedding is a company that's been around for over 20 years. They started in 1995 as a ...

Brooklyn Bedding Mattress Review

Read the full review here: Brooklyn Bedding has been making mattresses a long time, with the latest ...

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