Signature Sleep 13 Inch Independently Encased Coil Mattress

The Signature Sleep 13 Inch Independently-Encased Coil Mattress is US-made and comes with a wide array of certifications for quality and industry approval. The Signature Sleep brand is a well-known manufacturer in the world of bedding and mattress, offering various collections under its name with coil spring mattresses as its popular selection.

Keeping a hectic schedule and busy lifestyle is one of the things that keep you from getting a peaceful and quality sleep. With this model it;s possible to get a high-quality coil spring mattress that offers firm support and luxurious comfort without the expensive price tag.

Features of Signature Sleep Essential Mattress

Innerspring Coils & Foam Layer

User satisfaction score
86 %

Three layers in this coil spring mattress offer three unique features to ensure an ultimate rest, night after night. The first layer is the 10-inch coil spring construction with individually encased coils designed for equal weight distribution and absorption while conforming to the shape and weight of your body. The layer on top of the coil spring base is the 3-zone foam pillow tops with 1-inch measurement each. This layer is designed to provide a soft and luxurious upper body while offering a firmer lower body comfort particularly to support the back and hips. To top it all is the bamboo fabric cover made from high-quality rayon materials with special qualities such as moisture-wicking, breathable, and with a drying effect.

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Quality of Materials/Durability

User satisfaction score
89 %

Signature Sleep 13 Inch Independently Encased Coil MattressThe Signature Sleep 13 Inch Independently-Encased Coil Mattress highlights its top-quality and certified safe materials, from the temper steel coil springs to the CertiPUR-US approved foam and bamboo fabric encasement. The 3-zone foam layer of the mattress makes it soft and with a bouncing feel despite the firm and supportive effect of the coil spring layer. The certified safe foam is made with safety features to make it hypoallergenic. However, the encased coil spring construction may potentially make the bed prone to the buildup of allergens and dust mites especially when the bed has not been cleaned for a long time.

The good news is that the foam does not contain any harsh chemical ingredients such as phthalates and it also does not contain any flame retardant, PBDEs, TCEP, and TDCPP. The foam has low VOC emission so that there is minimal off-gassing especially with the initial use of the mattress. In cases when the mattress has a pungent chemical odor upon unwrapping, the instruction from the manufacturer is to let the mattress inflate format least 48 hours as the smell will eventually dissipate as well.

The Signature Sleep is a reliable brand when it comes to mattress durability. However, this mattress needs a stable and sturdy foundation or bed frame to have better edge support. Sitting or sleeping at the corners is not advised because you just might fall off the edge without the right base or platform. The coil spring layer is ideal for lightweight and heavy individuals, but the weight of the user could significantly affect the longevity of the mattress.

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Signature Sleep Signature 13-Inch Independently Encased Coil Mattress with CertiPUR-US Certified Foam,...

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How It Feels

User satisfaction score
85 %

The coil spring mattress is moderation on both sides of a firm and soft, but the memory foam layer is a push further to the plusher side. The 3-zone foam pillow top layer highlights a much firmer center of the bed which is specifically designed to provide support for the hips and lower back. The medium-firm coil spring mattress does not give you a hard time moving on the bed because it does not have a sinking or sagging effect.

The individually encased coils are designed for minimal motion transfer so that there is no disturbance when someone moves on the other side of the mattress. However, there is no assurance that the coil spring component of the bed would not give way with prolonged use. There is potential squeaking and creaking sound especially when the mattress is subjected to a much heavier weight thus the noise suppression part is not that guaranteed. For some side sleepers, the coil spring bed could be preferable because of the soft and luxurious foam layer while the coil spring base offers firm support for back and stomach sleepers.

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Overall Sleep Experience

User satisfaction score
85 %

The overall sleep experience with the Signature Sleep 13 Inch Independently-Encased Coil Mattress is satisfactory as long as you are compatible with its firmness and softness level because the sleep surface of this mattress is not for everyone. It is also not for overweight individuals because the coil spring may not be that tough to endure heavy weights, especially for an extended period.Another con of this mattress it that over time there is a certain possibility of noises during movements.

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User satisfaction score
83 %

Signature Sleep makes sure they offer the most reasonably priced coil spring mattress hence this collection that offers a spring coil and memory foam hybrid bed. Available sizes with their corresponding price ranges include Full, Queen, and King. Other coil spring mattress models and brands with the same price tag include Brentwood Home, Zinus, Olee Sleep, and Home Life Harmony Sleep.

Historical Price Chart of the product

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Review Highlights from verified customers

We have scanned 917 reviews and here are the highlights of the most important user satisfaction metrics.

  • 3.85% of consumers mention pain relief, and less 1% say: it’s causing pain
  • 5.45% say: odor is minimal, and very few persons say it smells
  • This is a durable mattress as 9.26% express high satisfaction after a year of use and only 1% report problems
  • 8% say it’s supportive, 8.5% say it’s firm and 1.63% say they have returned it
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What Do Other Mattress Geeks Think?

User satisfaction score
87 %
The coil spring bed is flame resistant for a peaceful and worry-free sleep and it is also eco-friendly because of its bamboo fabric covers and CertiPUR-US certification.
With such an affordable price, this coil spring mattress is the best option you can have for a high-quality bed with just the right softness and firmness. However, it’s really heavy.
8.6 Total Score
Summary Review Score

Signature Sleep 13-inch coil mattress with independently encased coil springs is a good choice for all types of sleepers mainly because of its hybrid blend of coil spring base and the plush memory foam layers. However, it is not recommended for heavy individuals to prolong the lifespan of the bed and it may not work as a couple’s bed as well.

Quality of material / Durability
Sleep Experience
Other Experts Average Score
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Shipping and Warranty

The 1-Year Limited Warranty protection of the Signature Sleep Coil Mattress covers material and workmanship defects such as damages due to normal wear and tear, liquid penetration, and fabric stains. Make sure you present the original law tags of the mattress as well as your bill of sale.

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Video Reviews

Review on Signature Sleep 13" Independently Encased Coil Mattress & Unwrapping

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