Night Therapy 13 Inch Spring Euro Box Mattress

A good night’s rest is the key to waking up all refreshed and invigorated to start a new day, and that quality sleep mainly depends on your bed. The Night Therapy 13 Inch Spring Euro Box mattress is one of the unusual names in the spring mattress category that offers uninterrupted slumber without draining your savings on an expensive price tag.

Features of Night Therapy 13 Inch Spring Euro Box Mattress

Foam Layers

User satisfaction score
90 %

The main layer of the spring coil mattress is the 7.5-inch pocketed springs where hundreds of coils have one continuous wire but are independently encased to minimize the motion transfer. The coil spring layer serves as a base for the upper foam layers that are composed of the 1.5-inch high-density foam and the 3-inch comfort foam and then encased with the silky cover made from bamboo rayon fibers. The dual layers of high-density and comfortable memory foams are designed to offer pressure relief and compensate the firmness of the coil spring layer due to the patented iCoil technology.

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Quality of Materials/Durability

User satisfaction score
87 %

Zinus takes pride in its CertiPUR-US certified foams which means that the mattress layers are not made with objectionable contents such as ozone depleters, formaldehyde, and heavy mercury or lead metals. The rayon fiber bamboo encasement for the foam layers is made breathable and well-ventilated, but the faint odor you would initially smell may not be suitable if you are allergic or have a sensitive respiratory condition.

The coil spring content of the mattress is made from tempered steel and independently covered with the patented, and industry-recognized iCoil Pocketed System. The Night Therapy spring bed is a durable one but is subject to wear and tear especially if the sleeper is approximately 200lbs or heavier. Furthermore, dangling your feet at the edge could result to downward sag which makes the edge support feature of this mattress not that satisfactory.

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Night Therapy Spring 13 Inch Deluxe Euro Box Top Spring Mattress, Queen

Usually ships in 24 hours
Last update was on: 04.05.2024 01:11
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How It Feels

User satisfaction score
83 %

This spring foam mattress is extremely firm thus the body movement is somewhat isolated with minimal transfer to the other side of the bed. The mattress is ideal for persons with aches and pains due to pressure points that are not properly protected during sleep. The firmness level of the mattress works well for persons with sciatica, fibromyalgia, chronic back pains, and are prone to a stiff neck.

Night Therapy 13 Inch Spring Euro Box MattressIt is not a plush mattress, but it cradles your hips especially if you’re a side sleeper so that you’ll have that feeling of comfortably floating, however, the suitability of this mattress for side sleeper is still quite relative.  It may still work for those that want a bouncing, soft, and luxurious feel if you use a good topper to compensate the firm and responsive support of the main spring layer.

The Zinus Night Therapy 13 Inch Spring Euro Box Mattress does offer good support for the back, spine alignment, and pressure point protection, however, the edge support may not be that dependable. It may result to sagging at the corners of the bed especially if you don’t use a sturdy and strong foundation or bed platform to support the mattress. For couples that are both amenable to a firm mattress, this could be an ideal option because the spring coil layer is fully equipped with motion transfer properties. The issue may arise if one of you is heavyweight as the spring may have that faint noise when exposed to a much heavier weight.

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Overall Sleep Experience

User satisfaction score
83 %

There’s a chemical smell that you will initially notice the first time you opened the mattress. However, you can simply open a ceiling fan or the exhaust fan to vent the odor outside the room. The chemical odor will eventually disperse after 48 hours or so, while the mattress is inflating back to its original form and the off-gassing is not that big of an issue as we reviewed. The foam layer does not have a profound feature against heat retention so you may experience feeling hot after hours of sleep. Nonetheless, it is a good option for couples because the iCoil springs absorb motion for undisturbed sleep all night long.

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User satisfaction score
84 %
Last update was on: 04.05.2024 01:11

The spring Euro box top 13 inch mattress is affordably priced with corresponding price ranges depending on its size that comes in Full, Queen, and King variations.

Historical Price Chart of the product

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Review Highlights from verified customers

We have scanned 449 reviews and here are the highlights of the most important user satisfaction metrics.

  • 6.5% of consumers mention: pain is gone, while only 1.5% say: it’s causing pain
  • 8.25%  say: odor is minimal, and less than 1% say that it smells
  • 3.57% complaining that it’s too firm
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What Do Other Mattress Geeks Think?

Average expert score
85 %
The Night Therapy deluxe coil spring hybrid mattress is one of the best among other contenders in its category. It is a firm yet comfortable cushioned bed, making it ideal for different sleepers.
The spring foam mattress offers customized comfort and support at the same time and it’s a great option for people with back pains and those with spinal alignment issues. The mattress also comes with a 10-year warranty, not bad for a spring bed at all.
“Night Therapy is a good and ideal mattress brand especially if you are looking for a budget bed. If you want a softer and plusher bed with that springy and bouncing feel, this is not the right option because it is quite firm and flat despite the 2 foam comfort layers.
8.5 Total Score
Summary Review Score

The Night Therapy 13-Inch deluxe spring mattress is highly recommended for certain types of sleepers but not for everyone. Back and stomach sleepers do have a satisfactory overall sleep experience with this mattress as well as lightweight sleepers but side sleepers and heavy individuals may have relative and differing feedbacks about the spring bed.

Quality of material / Durability
Sleep Experience
Other Experts Average Score
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Shipping and Warranty

User satisfaction score
92 %

Zinus uses its smart patented technology for easy and hassle-free shipping, compressing the spring mattress, rolling the unit, and shipping it in a box. Delivery schedule to different addresses in the continental United States depends on your location, but the timeframe is between 4 to 7 business days after confirmation of purchase and payment. The manufacturer stands by the quality and durability of their product and protects it with a 10-Year Limited Warranty. Make sure that you have your original sales receipt and present it to the Zinus representative to be eligible for the repair or replacement due to workmanship and material defect.

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Video Review

Night therapy 13 inch eurotop spring queen mattress unpacking

This is new night therapy 13 inch queens eurotop mattress. it was shipped in a box and was vacuum sealed, look at the way thing thing opens up.

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